To read part eleven of day eight, click here.
Christopher had us get everything out of our packs, placing it in the appropriate piles. He split us all up, giving each of us a job.
Bobby, Rebecca and I were refilling all the food bags. We tried to sort everything into meals, but it didn’t really work out. We could only identify so many of the white powders that made up so many of the meals. We went and grabbed the crew journal with the menu in it, but that didn’t help either.
Looking back, I wish we had been able to tell what the white powders were. It would have made dinner that night a LOT better.
Resupply took at least an hour. Bruce was refilling all of our spices, everyone telling him to make sure we had plenty of Texas Pete. Some of the girls were washing our bowls, spoons and water bottles, and everyone was telling them “make sure you wash mine really well!”.
Luke was refilling the first aid kit, and he was told by at least three people to make sure to grab extra moleskin and “itchy cream”. (I think it was cortisone cream.)
Bobby, Rebecca and I were told twice to give certain people less of a load. Basically, everyone wanted to make sure that we had everything we needed, and they didn’t have to carry most of it.
I don’t remember what everyone else was doing. I just remember that everyone was doing something.
When I was filling food sacks, I didn’t want to be selfish and give myself a really light load. But at the same time, I didn’t want to give myself a heavy load and not be able to carry it. I was actually trying to split everything up equally, but in the end Bobby just starting throwing things in bags. I gave up and decided that God would make sure that no one had a load they couldn’t handle.
Christopher brought a box over to me, Bobby and Rebecca. He set it down and told us to make sure each person had one before he hurried off again. We opened the box and grinned at each other. There were 13 beautiful, bright green, Granny Smith apples in the box.
I wanted to take mine out and eat it right there. It was fruit! And it was green too! It wasn’t vegetables, (which is what I was really craving) but it was something other than cheese and carbs.
That was when Christopher brought the cooler over. “Split this up too – everyone gets a banana now, and everything else goes in the food sacks.”
We opened the cooler and gasped. We were going to be having that for dinner??
Click here to read the next part of Day Eight.
*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks too NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*