Book Squirt

My Week In Tweets

This week I:
-Got an awesome book from the library and finished it that day.
-Watched my little siblings goof around with Styrofoam and took pictures.
-Had subs on the back porch of the new house.
-Found out that one of our rabbits was a male, not a female as we’d thought.
-Listened to my brothers make a really funny mad-lib.
-Mourned the Spring that never happened.
-Discovered a really yummy lunch.
-Cooked chicken on the griddle. Not the best way to do that. 😀
-Started moving things into the kitchen!
-Bought picnic tables for the back porch and had hamburgers there.
-Tried to block out the music in the car so I could write. John Denver is really hard to resist.
-Went to Chillers (an awesome Ice Cream place) and met our friends there (it was a surprise!)
-Cried when I heard about Oklahoma.

Yeah. It was a busy week. 😀























Category: My Life

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