Book Squirt

Outward Bound – Day Eleven, Part Three

This entry is part 142 of 209 in the series Outward Bound

To read part two of day eleven, click here.

As soon as Katie was out of sight, I got to work as quickly as I could. I was going to be reunited with my crew! I put my journal away, rolled up my mat, and wrestled my pack on. Within less than five minutes, I was ready to go.

I said goodbye to my solo site, glad for the experience but very happy to be done with it. I wanted company again. I was tired of being alone. After living with seven younger siblings all my life, I’ve gotten used to always having someone around. And while it’s nice to get away for a time, after a day or so you really start missing people. 🙂

I started marching down the trail, happy to be on the move again. I wasn’t going to be happy about that by the end of the day, but for a couple of moments I was happy to be hiking. I had a song in my heart and I was hiking towards my friends – how could I not be happy?

There was a lot of rustling happening in the woods to my left. A turn in the trail revealed the cause of that – Rebecca. She turned and waved to me, clearly happy to see another human. I grinned at her and waved back before continuing to hike. It looked like she was going to take a while – she hadn’t even taken her tarp down yet.

There was a clearing coming up, and I decided that it was my destination. I could tell that it was open, and there were splashes of color here and there through the trees.

I could see some of my crew! I felt so much more peaceful when I saw them and knew that I was back with my crew. It’s really strange and I can’t understand it. I just remember it. I remember how happy I was to be back, happy to be with my crew again.

Everyone looked up at me when I walked into the clearing and I was greeted by smiles and waves. Bobby mouthed “well?” at me, and I made motions to show that I was ok. I pointed back at him to ask how he was, and he motioned back that he was fine.

I grinned as I sat down in the circle, knowing that I was back. And I was ready to face whatever needed to be faced.

Click here to read the next part of Day Eleven.

*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks too NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*

More in this series:<< Outward Bound – Day Eleven, Part TwoOutward Bound – Day Eleven, Part Four >>
Category: Outward Bound

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