To read part ten of day ten, click here.
After the two years we had been trying to build up in Scottsburg, they were starting without me? There were posts in the ground. They couldn’t have waited the two weeks until I got home?
I picked the letter back up from where I had dropped it, trying to decide which of my siblings was which. The picture quality wasn’t as great as it could have been, and it got a little blurry by the kid’s heads. Once I figured out who was who, I read the letter again, brushing away my tears.
As I was finishing that letter, I heard talking from down by the river. The voices didn’t sound familiar, and I wondered who would be walking around by our solo sites.
I started walking towards the river quietly – I didn’t want the people to know I was there. They didn’t need to know, and I would feel safer if they didn’t. But I wanted to see who it was. I hadn’t been expecting anyone to be walking near my campsite, and I was curious.
The footsteps stopped and I stopped walking, straining to hear anything.
“You stay here, and I’ll go a bit downstream. Ok?”
I crept forwards a little bit more, stopping when a head came into view. It was a young boy, who couldn’t have been more than ten years old.
“Grandpa, should I start fishing here?”
I laughed to myself and headed back to my campsite. I didn’t have to worry about a boy and his Grandpa who were out fishing. I finished reading all of my letters, which took a long time. As I finished the last one, I realized that it was getting dark out! I still hadn’t eaten anything! I wasn’t really that hungry, but I knew that I was going to need to eat.
I grabbed my food out of my bag and pulled out the bagel and orange. I peeled the orange and started chewing on it while I stared at the bagel. It stared back at me.
Ok, the bagel didn’t really stare back at me. I was just kidding. It didn’t grow eyes or anything, because that would be really creepy. If it had grown eyes, I would have had a heart attack and died out there in the wilderness. So you can all be glad that my bagel didn’t grow eyes and scare me to death out the middle of nowhere.
Click here to read the next part of Day Ten.
*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks too NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*
Outward Bound – Day Ten, Part Twelve
Outward Bound – Day Ten, Part Ten